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Power Reporting Resources For Journalists

Web treasure hunt:
10 questions to test
newsroom literacy

Why a test?

Who can surf the Web? All of us. But are we literate? While every newsroom has people who are advanced researchers, many of us are struggling. We find too little information or, more frequently, too much. Can we afford to have a person in any newsroom job who is not Web literate?

Any test of literacy is subjective. But these 10 questions are the kind that come up in newsrooms every day.

Each question has a hint, and an answer. Each answer also deals with these issues: How did you find that? How do I know this information is sound? And how do I attribute this?

The rules: Each question should take less than 10 minutes to answer. Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer.

The test:

A primer on Web searching is available at http://PowerReporting.com/altavista.html.

You can reach Bill Dedman by e-mail at Bill@PowerReporting.com.

COPYRIGHT ©1997-2005 Bill Dedman